MRTs ensure a knowledge and understanding of a pharmacologic agent prior to its administration
Importance of specific knowledge
- MRTs, within their scope of practice, administer or assist with the administration of various pharmacologic agents.
- MRTs should be familiar with and adhere to the specific policies and procedures at their institution with regard to administration of pharmacologic agents
- MRTs must have the appropriate authority at their institution to administer pharmacologic agents used in nuclear medicine
- An MRT should not administer a pharmacologic agent if he/she does not have knowledge, skills and judgement to respond to potential adverse reactions1.
- In order to safely administer pharmacologic agents, MRTs must be educated in and understand the following2:
- Physiologic effect of the medication
- Indications and contraindications
- Dose calculation
- Method of administration
- Possible adverse reactions and the means of responding to them
- Requirements for monitoring prior to, during and following the administration of an agent
- Need for medical supervision/physician presence with a given agent
Reference information on individual agents
- A departmental reference describing the information relevant to MRTs regarding individual agents (as described in “Importance of specific knowledge”) is maintained3.
- Current information on pharmacologic agents from authoritative sources (e.g., Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialities from Canada, US Pharmacopeia) are used to build this resource
- The departmental reference is reviewed on a regular a basis to ensure the currency of its information.
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Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists. Member Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Nov 2015. CAMRT. Available from: [Accessed 12 Dec 2019]
Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists. Competency Profile, Nuclear Medicine Technology. January 2014. Available from: [Accessed 24 Sept 2018]
European Association of Nuclear Medicine. The Radiopharmacy. A Technologist’s Guide. Available from: [Accessed 20 Mar 2013]