Requisitions, orders or prescriptions that conflict with the MRT’s clinical experience and judgment are clarified with the radiologist, oncologist or referring healthcare professional
MRT obligation to the patient
- MRTs are obliged to implement only those procedures and treatment plans which, in their clinical experience and judgment, are in the patient’s best interest1.
- MRTs should not implement any procedure or treatment plan they have concerns about and should take appropriate action to deal with these situations1.
- MRTs take appropriate action when they believe the interests of patients are being compromised2.
- When a decision is made to clarify a requisition, order or prescription, it is important that it is systematic and thorough3:
- MRTs are familiar with and follow institutional policies for dealing with differences in opinion, where they exist
Seeking clarification
- Where possible, certain information may be completed by the MRT (e.g., omissions to pertinent history which may be obtained through interview).
- Most other issues can be resolved by discussing the concern directly with the responsible healthcare professional.
- Discussions are more productive when they are collaborative and non-judgmental, meaning the MRT should2:
- Be prepared, gather thoughts beforehand
- Identify the concern clearly and concisely
- Support concerns with a clear rationale and best evidence
- Share and discuss alternative solutions
- Be open to hearing the other professional’s point of view
- Keep the patient’s best interest in mind
- If the situation is not resolved with the responsible healthcare professional, then the issue is discussed with an immediate superior and/or addressed with the appropriate parties in accordance with local policies and guidelines4.
- If the procedure or treatment needs to be modified or substituted for another, following discussion and approval from the appropriate health care provider, the MRT ensures details are justified and documented.
Documenting concerns and resolutions
- Discrepancies regarding the care of the patient are properly documented, including4:
- Date and time of the contact
- MRT’s name
- Name of the healthcare professional contacted
- Depending on the nature of the concern and facility policy, documentation may also include an incident report.
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Canadian Association of medical radiation technologists. Code of Ethics. CAMRT. June 2008. Available from: [Accessed 3 Nov 2014]
College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario. Standards of Practice. Available from: [Accessed 30 Apr 2018]
Charman IJ, ed. Issues in Provision of Care, Treatment and Services for Hospitals. Oakbrook Terrace, IL: Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. 2008.
College of Nurses of Ontario. Practice Guideline: Disagreeing With the Plan of Care. 2009. Available from: [Accessed 30 Apr 2018]