
Term Archives

Minimizing patient exposure

Ionizing radiation exposure to patients is kept “as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)”    

Minimizing patient exposure

Ionizing radiation exposure to patients is kept “as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)”    

Patient and family complaints

Patient and family complaints are addressed promptly with empathy and understanding    

Patient and family complaints

Patient and family complaints are addressed promptly with empathy and understanding    

Communicating risk and benefit

MRTs provide patients and/or caregivers with an accurate description of procedures and associated risks in a truthful and comprehensible...

Communicating risk and benefit

MRTs provide patients and/or caregivers with an accurate description of procedures and associated risks in a truthful and comprehensible...

Performance of new responsibilities

Before taking on new responsibilities, MRTs consider their own level of competence, the scope of practice and all relevant...

Performance of new responsibilities

Before taking on new responsibilities, MRTs consider their own level of competence, the scope of practice and all relevant...

Sharing personal opinions with patients

MRTs must understand their professional boundaries and not share personal opinions regarding a patient’s medical condition, diagnosis and care...

Sharing personal opinions with patients

MRTs must understand their professional boundaries and not share personal opinions regarding a patient’s medical condition, diagnosis and care...

Clarification of requisition, order or prescription

Requisitions, orders or prescriptions that conflict with the MRT’s clinical experience and judgment are clarified with the radiologist, oncologist...

Clarification of requisition, order or prescription

Requisitions, orders or prescriptions that conflict with the MRT’s clinical experience and judgment are clarified with the radiologist, oncologist...

Patient education

Patient education is provided as an integral part of every medical imaging or therapeutic procedure    

Patient education

Patient education is provided as an integral part of every medical imaging or therapeutic procedure    

Incident reporting in quality improvement

Incident report analysis and follow-up is made an integral part of the quality control and safety improvement process  ...

Incident reporting in quality improvement

Incident report analysis and follow-up is made an integral part of the quality control and safety improvement process  ...

Pregnant patients

Radiation exposure to a fetus is kept as low as reasonably achievable This BPG is under review and will...

Pregnant patients

Radiation exposure to a fetus is kept as low as reasonably achievable This BPG is under review and will...